Mar 05

Win Your Child’s Heart

It is easy to say I LOVE YOU and I CARE FOR YOU, but this is not enough. Children need more than just words to feel loved and treasured, especially for those who have been abandoned or have lost their parents. Though it is necessary that we verbally let them know how much we love and care for them, what’s more important is how we make them feel and how much they see our love for them in their lives. Action speaks louder than words.

Interaction is one of the most efficient ways to express our love to them. Children are witty and smart; they love to receive affection and have meaningful interactions with adults. When they like to talk, we should listen to them. When they want to play with us, we should make time to play with them. A small sacrifice will bring a significant impact on their personality, and we believe that it could be a way to win their hearts. We only get to raise our kid once, so don’t waste your time on things that are not as valuable as your time with your children.

Remember that words have a high possibility of affecting a child, and the same goes with how we act towards them. They’re young, and one wrong move could affect them negatively and might even change the way they grow up. We should show them how much they mean to us, whether or not they show us how much we mean to them.

Instead of resorting to criticism, teach your child how to do things correctly. If you do have to correct your child, do so in private. On the other hand, praise them publicly! Praise them for their unique talents, gifts, and abilities. Never shy away from thanking and praising your child. Your child desires someone to love and cherish him or her — be the one who fills that desire!

Have you won your child’s heart? Rizing Starz International wants hear from you. Share your story with us!

