Apr 28

What Did You Want to Be When You Grew Up?

As a child, you may have dreamt of so many things. You might have imagined growing up to be a doctor, a firefighter, an athlete, or even an astronaut.

These are things that children with a normal life usually dream of. But not all children have the luxury of dreaming about their future careers. Some children, like orphans, are busy trying to survive and live another day.  

With no one to help them, these children are the most vulnerable in the world. They have no one to depend on but themselves to be able to survive. Yes, it makes them stronger for being independent at a young age, but it also makes them feel weak because they have no one to lean on during their hard times.

Through your donations, and with the help of organizations like the Rizing Starz, orphaned children are getting their chance to shine! They are able to get the education they need, warm shelter, free vaccinations, and nutrients they need to grow up well and pursue their dreams.

Let’s keep striving to help these orphans and give them a chance to be what they want to be when they grow up!

Donate HERE!

