Mar 27

Unseen Heroes of Orphans

Orphans are surrounded by silent heroes in their daily lives. Generally, childcare tasks include feeding, changing nappies, bathing and cuddling, sterilizing bottles and teats, emptying nappy bins, mopping floors, washing, folding and packing away continuous loads of laundry and dispensing medications. The long list does not stop there. It can also include night shifts, as well as occasional hospital visits which may involve waits from six to eight hours. They are the people who are supporting the orphans, taking consistent interest in them, weighing all the factors and making the best decisions in circumstances which may profoundly affect the orphan’s entire life. Unfortunately, these same hard working people go unacknowledged. They deserve more credit for their contribution in taking care of orphans. We should value childcare workers as highly as we do other people in large public roles.

Have you ever asked yourself, “What does it mean to be a childcare worker?” We need to increase our awareness because that’s the best way to increase our appreciation towards these modern day heroes. One of the most difficult aspects of being a child care worker is maintaining infinite patience in handling young and excitable children. Rizing Starz hopes to continue to shed light on such heroes, especially concerning child care for orphans. There are unseen heroes in our midst who share and carry this burden. They are sometimes taken for granted, but as we continue to write and promote such workers, we are one step closer to shining the light. Let’s shine together!

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