Oct 18

The Orphans

In countries riddled with poverty, we often see a lot of kids on the streets, asking for pennies so they could buy something to eat to be able to survive. Some do it as a way to help their parents, or as a way for orphans to help support themselves and raise their little siblings on their own.

As unfortunate it is to admit, most of the people passing by tend to ignore these kids and would rather spend their money on something else instead of helping out a child. Yes, it’s their money and they can spend it however they want; but as responsible adults, we should avoid turning a blind eye on something that’s already in front of us.

Orphans are common around the world; and a lot of adults in extreme poverty abandon their kids because they don’t have the sufficient means to support their children.

Let’s face it, there are some adults who are not mature or responsible enough to take care of their own child, and their actions would greatly affect these children. The children would feel unloved; they would start questioning themselves; and most would fall into depression. This pattern is something that we should all be concerned about.

Let’s all take action and help these children who have lost their parents. If you think you cannot give nor donate for thousands of children in need, any act of kindness would greatly help. By just one act, you could greatly change these children’s future.

Let’s stop turning a blind eye and support a child!



