Apr 11

The Most Terrible Poverty

In this week’s blog, we’re going to talk about the most terrible poverty. We know that anyone living in a household with an income below their relative poverty threshold is considered to be in poverty. Or those people living in the streets, asking for pennies so they could buy food for them to survive for the day.

There are different levels of poverty that we may be aware of, but are we aware of what might be the most terrible poverty? Just like what Mother Teresa said, “The most terrible poverty is loneliness and the feeling of being unloved.”

Are most of us adults aware of this? We see people living on the street, but we pay no attention or even have the guts to look their way. Most of us would just pass by as if they don’t exist at all.

We don’t need to be rich or have lots of money to be able to help these people who are in need, especially street children who have lost their parents. As Mother Teresa stated, the loneliness and the feeling of being unloved is the most terrible poverty. We can change this and take action by supporting vulnerable children and care for them as if they’re our own family.

We can volunteer to help charities like the Rizing Starz with projects such as the Monthly Feeding Program, Soup Kitchen, etc. Volunteering may also help us bond and get to know the children at the orphanage.

It doesn’t take a lot to lend a helping hand; what matters is that, we chose not to ignore them and opened our hearts to them.



