Dec 07

The Most Terrible Poverty Is Loneliness and the Feeling of Being Unloved

Mother Teresa once said, “The most terrible poverty is loneliness and the feeling of being unloved.” It’s what most orphans are feeling.

We know and witness a lot of people going through poverty; but have you thought about, or even imagined, how orphans feel? They don’t have anything. They don’t have any money, food or even shelter to sleep in.

We live in a society where we need money to be able to survive. But some people would rather not have any money, at all. As long as they get to be with their family, they’re okay with it. And that also applies to kids at the orphanage. Kids don’t really care about money. What they really care about is the love and care they’re receiving from their parents.

Imagine those who don’t have anything at all. Think of the orphans who don’t have anything, especially the love and care they’re supposed to be receiving from the people who they want to receive love from.

As caring adults, we should fill in the gaps that their parents have left them and show them how much they mean to us. Let’s help them stop questioning themselves if they are worthy to be loved.

Let’s give them the love they are asking for!



