Jul 27

Support a Child Today!

Donating to a charity of your choice is not a responsibility but it is a gift, that has the potential to yield great rewards. Therefore donations should be free of duress, obligation or guilt. Donors, should feel free to give when and how much they want to. Every donation is greatly appreciated as it is used to help orphans stay alive and to ultimately change their lives in a positive and meaningful way. 
When you donate you remind and encourage these vulnerable children that there are people who still care about them, despite being abandoned by their loved ones. 
Here at Rizing Starz, we make every effort to ensure that your donations is used to assist these vulnerable children. We host  Monthly Feeding Programs, and provide support to different orphanages mainly in Ghana, West Africa.
If you ever thought about donating, today is a good day to start. 
Visit our website to learn more about about supporting an orphan.
Get involved!

