Feb 02

Stop Turning a Blind Eye

As adults, we go to work everyday, sit in our chairs, have a cup of coffee, and check the papers that need to get done. We never really think about the outside world apart from what’s in front of us at any moment in time. Sometimes, we walk pass these children who have been abandoned by the people they love. Despite knowing they need help, we still tend to turn a blind eye and proceed in our daily lives.

Let’s pause for just a moment. Think about how it would feel if you were in their shoes. Think about the daily struggle and agony you would be going through. Think about the courage you would need to endure in order to tackle this journey through life all on your own, with no one as your guide. Now imagine, how great would it feel if someone were to lend you a helping hand? How great would it feel to know that someone was there to guide you, to show you that they care? We ask for people’s help to be able to feed and clothe these children in hopes of giving them those amazing feelings that are foreign to them.

Most people ignore these children because of how they look, or they just don’t care. They resist eye contact to not feel obligated to do something, to not feel these children’s misery. That hurts them – a lot. Especially when these children have already been abandoned by their loved ones, and for them to be ignored, it would hurt even more.

Let’s stop turning a blind eye to these children, and open our hearts to listen to their stories. If we spend a little time and donate just a small amount from our monthly income, then fewer children will starve, and more children will experience the luxury of eating warm meals three times a day.

If you cannot feed a lot of children, then simply feed one. What matters most is that you chose to open your heart and help children in need. We don’t need to be rich to be able to donate. We can donate our old clothes and toys that we have no need for anymore, knowing that these children will find them more valuable than we ever will again.

Let’s stop turning a blind eye and help these vulnerable children!

