Mar 23

Shelter The Orphans

When we mention the word orphan, we think about kids being abandoned by their parents and living in the orphanage together with the other children and volunteers to help them. Most of them are correct, but did we ever think about other orphans that don’t have a shelter to sleep in?

Today’s email means two things. ‘Shelter the orphans’ refers to getting an orphan in an orphanage, as there are a lot of children without parents, living in the streets, and sleeping on cold pavement. They beg people to give them a small amount of money just so that they can buy something to eat to make it through the day.

The other meaning is about adopting a child from the orphanage to officially give them a family and home. Just imagine how happy a child would be if they found people they could finally call their parents, and a house they could call their home. They would be able to eat three meals a day and sleep under the same roof as the people who love them.

Let’s shelter the orphans and give them a place where they belong. Let’s stop turning a blind eye to these helpless vulnerable children and give them hope to live for a better future!



