Apr 27

Replace Criticism Words with Praise

“The way to develop the best that is in a person is by appreciation and encouragement. There is nothing else that so kills the ambitions of a person as criticism from superiors.”

-Charles M.Schwab

“There is nothing else that so kills the ambitions of a person as criticism from superiors.” This powerful lesson in leadership can also apply to your family relationships. As we lovingly encourage our children, we will find greater peace and harmony in the home. Instead of using words like STOP, DON’T, QUIT, or NO, try to change and use words that empower. Replace criticism words with praise. Remember, a person develops his or her best through appreciation and encouragement.

 Your children will develop their character through the way you teach them. Years of telling your child “No” will eventually produce an adult that has no ambition. Do you ever take a moment to ask yourself why you stop your child? Children, by nature, have desires that produce curiosity. Instead of stopping your child to do what he or she wants, try to teach your child the safe way to fulfill his or her desire. Take a look at the situation and teach your child how to do it instead. If it’s not something that is going to permanently injure him or her, let your child have the experience. Praise and encourage your children when they try new things and are safe in their activities.

Most of the time children cannot foresee the end result of their desires. They just want to participate, learn, experiment and test the boundaries of their environment. As a parent, you have a great deal of experience. Be a mentor and set them free to explore their surroundings. Teach your children how the consequences of their actions can influence the situation in a positive way. It might be the most important thing you can explain when telling a child not to do something.

If you don’t, someday, you may just wonder why he or she doesn’t want to do anything in life. Inspire your child to want great things. Our children will make their own decisions someday. You can be their role model by giving them inspiration. As the quote says, a person develops his or her best through appreciation and encouragement.

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