Aug 09

Random Acts of Kindness

As kids, we were taught by our parents that donating things to the less fortunate is always important, simply because we need to show kindness to others. Old clothes, old toys and even a few canned goods already symbolize a huge act of kindness for the needy. It doesn’t have to be something fancy, as long as it comes from your heart.

If you think you have a lot of things that you don’t need anymore, instead of tossing it or throwing it out into the trash, why not donate it to charity? Some things that are no longer of any use to you might still be appreciated by the less fortunate. Sharing and being thoughtful of others are gestures that are always looked up to.

Most people would of ask, “Are they related to us? Why should we be obliged to help them?” No one is obliged to help anyone. Though, there’s also nothing wrong in showing a bit of kindness to other people. Even just a simple smile or a nice greeting from a stranger is already more than enough for some people.

A simple and random act of kindness is always good. But this shouldn’t be done just because we are expecting something in return. We have warm beds to sleep in, we can eat at least three meals a day, we can go anywhere we want. But just imagine the people who cannot do and afford all of the things that most of us can. It wouldn’t hurt to share a little bit of the things and blessings we receive in our lives. Share a little of what you can and do an act of kindness today!

Click here to donate!

