Oct 02

Play, Learn and Grow

Kids love playing outside under the sun with their friends. Most of us adults tend to tell them not to play too much to avoid getting themselves hurt or become used to acting too childish.

Playing is childish, yes. However, they are children and playing is part of being a kid.  It’s also a way for them to learn a thing or two from their friends or their experience.

Do children learn through play? Yes. Don’t underestimate the value of children’s games, as kids can develop a lot of skills from playing, such as cognitive, physical, verbal and social skills.

Playing is also one of the best ways to exercise and reduce stress. This is why playing is good for orphaned children. As orphans, they also worry and think about their parents that abandoned and neglected them, which raises their stress level and anxiety.

Rizing Starz International has a lot of activities for orphaned children to distract themselves and to reduce their stress levels. Simple yet fun activities, such as duck duck goose, jump rope, hide and seek and tag allow children to laugh and enjoy the company of their friends.

We, at Rizing Starz International, make sure to provide what kids need to fill in the gap that their parents left them. And through your donation, we could make a lot of neglected and vulnerable children feel loved and happy.

Click HERE to donate!


