Dec 29

Orphans: Hear out Their Story

In countries like Ghana, we can see orphans on the streets, selling or asking people for money so they could survive the day. The sad thing is, most people would just walk by them. It’s easy to ignore them when we don’t know their names, their faces, and their stories. But, what will happen if we pay attention to these vulnerable children and listen to what their hearts have to say?

These children don’t have anyone to depend on. They only have us, people who mostly pass by and ignore them. In third world countries, it is common to have an orphan walk up to you and ask for a penny just so they could buy food for themselves, if not, for their little siblings. We read stories about the struggles of orphans in the world, yet we do nothing but ignore them.

Giving a penny or even a dollar to these children won’t hurt us at all. It’s always good to give back to these children even without receiving anything in return. The most important part of giving is that it comes from our hearts.

If we make a conscious decision to hear their stories and know their names, it would be hard for us to continue to ignore them. It’s all about opening our hearts to the people around us. Once we’ve opened our hearts to them, everything will change. Not only for you, but for the children themselves. Your kindness will spread light everywhere, especially to these children who are seeking help and slightest love from anyone.

Get in touch with us at Rizing Starz International to know more about these children’s stories and how you can help them.

Let’s support these orphans!

