May 29

Orphanage Visit in Gomoa Mpota

On the 8th of  April 2017, Rizing Starz International, an NGO that supports orphaned children around the world, organized a visit to the “Together We Can Make It Orphanage”. This orphanage is located in Gomoa Mpota in the Gomoa East District in the central region of Ghana.


Four volunteers, namely, Pastor Gyamfi, Indubious, Clement and myself Rebecca, President of Rizing Starz International Organization boarded a taxi from Accra to Gomoa Mpota and arrived at the destination around 11:00 am. Mr. Lawat, the owner and manager of the orphanage, together with his caregivers, happily welcomed us and took us on a tour of the entire home which is located on a 3 acre land in a serene environment.


After the tour, we donated food items worth GH530 (approximately $130US) to support the operation of the home. Mr. Lawat, the staff, and the children were very happy with our donation, which was evident by their smiles and verbal expressions of gratitude. After the presentation of our gifts, we played with the children and Clement and Rebecca taught them a few songs. The children energetically participated, as they clapped, sang and danced with us.


Soon, it was time to leave. All of us had a great time, especially the children and their caregivers. We ended our visit with another prayer by the Rizing Starz team and gave the children “bear hugs” as we said our goodbyes.  We hope to visit them again sometime next year during the summer holidays so we can spend more time together .

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