Feb 17

Month of Loving!

These are quotes from parent to a child.

“If my love for you had color, it would be the whole rainbow.”

“From the moment you were born, you became the sun to my planet.”

“My love for you is like an invisible elastic band. No matter how far you go, we are connected.”

Hello, our beloved donors, Happy February!!!

This month is known as love month globally. It is the month, where people acknowledge and publicly show love to their loved ones. The love that is shown by a parent to a child is vital to his/her emotional growth and development.

As Valentines’s day is celebrated around the world, so many vulnerable children will never experience the love of a biological parent this month or in the months to come. These children will never be the color of a parent rainbow because many of them are abandoned or orphaned.

Donors help to bridge the gap, by giving these children the love and support that they need.

Yes, they aren’t our blood-relatives but through your giving, you help to remind them that they are LOVED!

We at Rizingstarz love you and appreciate your support.

Your donation doesn’t have to be large amounts nor does it have to be money. Any forms of help are welcome here at Rizingstarz!

