Feb 13

Love One Another

Love is an indefinite thing to most of us; we don’t know what we mean when we talk about love. Love is the highest preference of one person for another. It is easy to say you love someone but another important aspect of it is to show your love through action.  When we practice acts of love such as meeting the needs of others, we are certain that we will be fulfilling their needs. So have you asked yourself, how can I love others especially those in need like the orphans?

We all know that life of the orphans are not easy. They struggle more emotionally than other children.  Orphaned children long for love, attention, and care from loved ones. As human beings, we have the ability to change their lives for the better. How? The following are ways on how you can reach out to the orphans in Africa:

  1. Participate in Fundraising Campaign. Funds that the Rizing Starz International organization are collecting will be a big help to reach out orphanages in Ghana, Africa.
  2. Be a family to them. Every child deserves a family. A family that will love, support and care.
  3. Thru Donations. Rizing Starz International accept donations and materials that are really needed in the orphanage like bedding sheets, mosquito nets, kitchen utensils, bunk beds and mattress, chairs, kitchen appliance, and couches.
  4. Sponsorship Program. We seek to provide 4 orphans with educational scholarships with average of $600 annually. The cost will cover school fees, books, and uniforms.

By your participation you will be able to transform the lives of these children exponentially. We are still in the initial stage of reaching out to orphanages in Africa and we believe that with your support, the livelihood of these children will rapidly improve.

Rizing Starz International is in need of individuals who are able and willing to sponsor these children. By your donation and by participating in any kind of fund raising activity that the organization will launch, you can give a child living in an extreme poverty, the best possible chance for a bright future. Please visit our “meet the kids” page to see some of these beautiful children who are waiting for someone to believe in them.

Click here to donate.

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