Jan 16

Listen to Their Story

Not many people are willing to listen to these children’s stories and these orphans have no one else to talk to about their problems, which is also a serious issue.

As humans, when our emotions are overwhelming, we would always need someone to talk to in order to get it out of our chest. And if we don’t, there’s tendency a person would fall into depression, and that’s not a laughing matter.

Orphans have lost the people that would give them the love and emotional support that they are asking for. They have lost the people who would comfort them and wrap them in their arms. They were the people they would cry to whenever they had problems, and the people that would support them in everything they faced.

Just that is already a reason why some orphans would fall into depression, and they need serious help. As caring adults, we should lend them at least little of our time to listen to their problems and help them lift the weight off their chests. Let’s show them that there are still people who are willing to help them and listen to their problems.

Some orphans already have the knowledge of what is happening around the world. We don’t want to make them feel as if they are ignored, irrelevant, or a burden to society; because they never are, and never will be.

These orphans need our help and we need to help them in a lot of ways! We can start by listening to their stories and help turn their frown upside down.

