Aug 02

Light for the Vulnerable Orphanage

Rizingstarz continues its mission in assisting vulnerable children. Rizingstarz provided food and other supplies to an orphanage in the Northern region of Ghana. This orphanage houses 15 children and approximately 152 children attend the orphanage school. They are in dire need of support.

Rizingstarz volunteer also interviewed the owner and founder. Below is an excerpt of the interview.
1. Why did you start an orphanage?
Light for the vulnerable centre is an N.G.O registered with the Ghana Department of Social  Welfare with registration number DSW 59160. The organization was formed mainly to focus on rural communities most especially for children, the physically challenged, and women. Among these personalities are orphans and the Vulnerable. As part of its project, the centre was taking care of the marginalized children, orphans, the vulnerable, and widows.
In 2015 two years after the N.G.O’s establishment officers from the D.S.W started visiting the centre.  That was the year they asked us to separate the orphanage home from the centre and get a different certificate for it.  
That was when and how the home became an independent project in operation.
2. What are some of the challenges you face in running an orphanage?
In this poorest community the home facing numerous challenges which some of them are: The rebuilding of the home: The structure of the home was falling below standard since 2019 when D.S.W officers came for inspection and were asked to build a new home which we started and still have not completed it because of the effects of the covid and the high price of building materials.
More of the interview will be sent in our next email so make sure to subscribe to our newsletter to get the latest update!

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Carol McIntyre

