Aug 04

Interview with Light of Vulnerability!

In our last email, we did an Orphanage interview, and this is the continuation!

Additionally, feeding and providing shelter for the children as well as their education are also some challenges because of the high cost of food and commodities and the overburden of the supporters. 


3. As the only orphanage here in the district, the D.S.W in the district always bring children found on the streets who cannot trace their homes. 

Also, parents and guardians of some teenage mothers who cannot take care of those children may bring them to the home for better care. Double and single orphans may be brought to the home by their guardians who cannot cater for them and give them a good education. Registration and reunification of children are always done by the witness of the Department of Social Welfare in the district. 

4. Light for the vulnerable int. School is a branch of the N.G.O. The centre was established to minimize the cases of school drop out in the community and give free education to all children in the  community and beyond 

All the children in the home are given free education because the two are interdependent.

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Carol McIntyre

