Jul 03

Here’s Our Scholarship Report For the Year 2019

“No country  can really develop unless its citizens are educated.” – Nelson Mandela
The children of Ghana continue to strive educationally. They have demonstrated that they understand that education is a weapon for change. As the school year comes to a close,  we are pleased to report that the recipients of the Rizing Starz Scholarships have excelled in all subject areas, which is evident in their grades.
From the youngest to the oldest, they all have done well!



Rizing Starz International continues in our mission to change a community through education. The 2018-2019 school year Rizing Starz awarded educational scholarships to 6 well deserving students. 
For the upcoming school year 2019-2020, we would like to increase our awards to10 students. 
Join us in this endeavor as we change a community one child at a time. 


Click here to donate now!

