Jul 27

Helping While Getting In Shape







Exercising daily is always good for our health, be it a fifteen minute cardio, or thirty minute yoga. As an adult, we’re always busy with our daily lives, especially with our work and or families . But have you ever thought about getting in shape while saving lives?

Last Month, the Rizing Starz held a “Get Off The Couch “event to get the people who joined get into shape with the Master Trainer Sterling. The proceeds of this event was donated to the charity to help the children for their daily needs. Imagine ,helping children by exercising?

Not only you were doing something good for your health, but you’re also saving lives! Next month, August 4, 2018, the Rizing Starz will hold a part II event for the Get Off The Couch.

Let’s exercise to save a life!

Donate NOW!

