Jul 28

Give Children with Disabilities a Chance to Shine!

Being an orphan is already hard, how much more if the child is disabled?

According to Robyn Beere of Inclusive Education South Africa, there are 600,000 children with disabilities in South Africa who remain out of school that are being left behind. As we all know, all children need love, encouragement and support. This is especially true for children with disabilities, who face bigger hurdles because of their physical, mental or emotional limitations.

Children with disabilities are prone to discrimination, bullying, less opportunities, less chances to pursue studies, and experience harder challenges in life than normal children. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) covers 13 different kinds of disabilities, which are: autism, deafness, deaf-blindness, mental retardation, multiple disabilities, hearing impairment, developmental delay, traumatic brain injury, emotional disturbance, orthopedic impairment, other health impairment, specific learning disability, speech or language impairment and visual impairment, including blindness. These are the disabilities that need more attention and awareness from other people.

To ensure that all children enjoy their lives without being discriminated, policies and plans for children with disabilities should be more mainstream in our society today. By giving more attention and focus on these children, we can help them live in normal way. Although not all people might understand their situation, it is important for us to continue to shed light on these children because they truly need our awareness.

As an organization who reaches out to orphans and vulnerable children, Rizing Starz International also wants to reach out to these children with special needs. We believe that their right to get an education can bring a big impact that can change their lives. It can change their perspective and make them more willing to achieve their dreams and get employment in the future.

Rizing Starz is here and open to help and make changes for these children. Rizing Starz wants to provide families with children who are disabled more information about their rights and provide resources to schools to promote and give awareness on children with disability cases.

At the Disability Summit last year, President Zuma said: “Our goal as government is to ensure that by 2021, no children with disabilities will be out of school. They should all be able to attend their local neighboring schools and receive the necessary support.”  

Let’s also give children with disabilities a chance to shine!

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