Mar 29

Get Involved!

There are many children alone in this world for various reasons with no one but themselves to call family. No one asks to be an orphan, and as many of us can imagine, it is not an easy feat to take on. As they journey through their lives, it is the help from kind-hearted and concerned people that keeps them motivated. Can you imagine a childhood made of such instability, where no one cares, and nothing belongs to you?

It is our job to help them in other ways, not only through adoption. Many times, adopting is not feasible for people. However, you can still love, care for, and make a positive impact in his or her life by donating your time and efforts.

Prayer is a powerful weapon and a great tool to aid others. Pray diligently for orphans, and for their caretakers as well. Pray for the orphan crisis happening worldwide today.

Look for a family that might be willing to adopt; family is the best gift that any person can have while living on this earth. A family is just a dream to many orphans, but to have a family of their own, to have people that will love and support them as they grow up, now that is a dream come true.

Support an organization like the Rizing Starz. With your support and donations, you can help orphans in Ghana, Africa meet their daily needs and have a sustainable tomorrow.

By raising awareness of their existence and their needs, we create a better future for them.


