Mar 05

Ever Thought of Donating?

It’s almost the end of the Month, and we are about to enter another one. I would like to talk to you about donating.

I know most of you know that, when we say donating, it means giving money. While that maybe true, there are also a lot of other ways to donate without it costing anything.

Giving to charity is not a responsibility, but rather, an act that comes from our hearts. Giving out old toys instead of throwing them away is also a way of donating. Imagine making someone smile and full of joy just by receiving an old toy. Donating doesn’t have to be grand or cost a lot, it just have to be sincere.

Rizing Starz is open to all charitable acts. Old clothes, old toys and even old text books are greatly appreciated. Children in need will accept them warmly and joyously.

Let’s learn to give and make others smile. Let’s spread a random act of kindness and make the world a better place for these vulnerable children. They are our future

To donate, click here or you may email us at

