Jun 16

Effects of Programs Supporting Orphans and Vulnerable Children

Many orphans and vulnerable children all over the world, due to lack of care and support, have been deprived of living a normal life like other children in their community.  

Thankfully, there are programs that support orphans and vulnerable children that can help stop this from happening. These programs aim to provide these children’s basic needs in order for them to grow well and develop into bright individuals. According to the Southern African Development Community (SADC), without basic human needs and services, children become adults who have difficulty changing their worlds for the better. Vulnerable children typically grow into vulnerable youth and vulnerable adults, who, in turn, have vulnerable children of their own.

These programs help orphans and vulnerable children not only maintain sustainability in their young lives, but also ensure that they will grow into good adults. By meeting their basic needs, these programs pave the way towards their future development.

In a study published by the University of Nairobi, funding programs have been shown to enhance school retention for orphans and vulnerable children. The study revealed that a larger percentage of the children who have been supported by the orphans and vulnerable children funding programs have been retained in school.

Education, as Nelson Mandela said, is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. It is a gift that these children should be given, for them to learn and change their lives for the better, and eventually, the world around them. These programs not only aids the children’s basic needs and education, but it also allows for a better future for everyone.

By supporting orphans and vulnerable children, we are also helping ensure our own future. These children today will be the leaders of tomorrow, and if we give them the proper care and support, they will grow up to be good decision-makers and righteous individuals.

Today, Rizing Starz continues its mission to help orphanages in Africa because it believes in all these positive effects. Together, we can expand our support and help these orphans and vulnerable children shine to make a better world.

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