Aug 23

Dreams for the Children

We all know that kids often dream about what they want to be when they grow up and what they want to achieve in life. Some would want to become teachers to educate; others would want to become doctors to be able to aid those who are in need of medical help. We, ourselves, have dreams that we still want to achieve even at our age and even if we have already been fortunate enough to receive an education. What about the less fortunate people who also have big dreams in their life, but do not have the resources?

Every person has the right to achieve his or her dream, and that applies to the less fortunate as well. Just because they’re not related to us, it doesn’t mean we should not help them. Giving books, pencils, and other school supplies is part of helping them attain their educational needs to fulfill their dreams. You don’t have to donate for thousands of children if you cannot afford it. Donate only what you can afford to, because what matters the most is that you helped them with an open heart.

Let’s be an inspiration for these children and help them achieve their dreams. People at our age are role models to children. We should let our actions give a lesson and inspiration to these children, as they grow up and dream of a better tomorrow.

Click HERE to donate!

