
Jul 19


    Food insecurity significantly affects children in Ghana, West Africa, compromising their health, education, and future prospects. Malnutrition is a primary consequence, leading to stunted growth, wasting, and weakened immune systems. These physical issues increase susceptibility to illnesses and impair cognitive development, causing difficulties in concentration and learning, which result in lower academic achievements […]

Happy Mother’s Day!
May 12

Happy Mother’s Day!

Happy mother’s day!💗 Mother’s Day is a special occasion to honor and celebrate the love, sacrifices, and contributions of mothers and mother figures in our lives. It’s a time to express gratitude for their unwavering support, guidance, and unconditional love. Whether through heartfelt words, thoughtful gestures, or spending quality time together, Mother’s Day is an […]

Our Scholars!
May 03

Our Scholars!

Support! Support !Support ! We are thrilled to report that despite the many challenges our scholars face, they continue to thrive and excel in their educational pursuits. Your generous support has been instrumental in providing them with the resources and opportunities they need to overcome obstacles and reach their full potential. From access to quality […]

Happy New Year!
Jan 17

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! Rizing Starz is excited about this new year. Last year was great, but we are working to make this year extraordinary. We will continue in our mission to nurture, nourish, and educate vulnerable children in West Africa Ghana. Rizingstarz will continue to award scholarships and conduct feeding programs children. Our scholarship recipients […]

Merry Christmas!
Dec 25

Merry Christmas!

  Wishing you warmth and joy this Christmas, surrounded by the love of a chosen family that cares for each other like the most precious gift. From all of us at Rizingstarz

Thankful for you
Nov 22

Thankful for you

  As we gather to celebrate the spirit of gratitude this Thanksgiving season, we are compelled to express our heartfelt thanks for your incredible generosity in sponsoring children in need. Your compassionate act of giving has become a beacon of light, illuminating the lives of these young ones with hope and promise. This season of […]

Empower Orphans: Send Them Back to School with Your Support!
Sep 11

Empower Orphans: Send Them Back to School with Your Support!

As the summer winds down and the scent of freshly sharpened pencils fills the air, we are reminded of the excitement and anticipation that the back-to-school season brings. But for orphans, this time of year can be met with uncertainty, longing, and dreams unfulfilled. That’s where you can make a profound difference. We are reaching […]

Happy Father’s Day!
Jul 31

Happy Father’s Day!

Dad, I wish I knew you, oh so well, In my heart, there’s an empty shell. I’ve heard stories, whispers of your name, But they only fuel this burning flame. I wonder if we share the same eyes, If we laugh at silly jokes or skies. Do you have a smile just like mine, Or […]

Happy Mother’s Day!
May 10

Happy Mother’s Day!

        MOM I MISS YOU.   In the depths of my heart, dear Mother so dear, A longing persists, so strong and sincere. On this Mother’s Day, my pen takes its flight, To honor your love with words shining bright.   Though fate’s cruel hand took you far from my sight, Your […]

Spring Into Action!
Apr 04

Spring Into Action!

Spring is finally here and Rizingstarz is blooming again. We have awakened from the Covid-19 induced hibernation and are committed to our scholars to help them to rise above their circumstances and to shine brightly. As we spring into action, we are in dire need of your support in our efforts to deal with the […]

Success of Our Scholars!
Jan 30

Success of Our Scholars!

  Happy New Year !!! It’s time to start a new. It has been a difficult two years, but we have persevered and we are still here. Rizingstarz is committed more than ever to fulfill our commitment and mission to the orphans of Ghana.   We are motivated by the success of our scholars as […]

Happy New Year!
Dec 19

Happy New Year!

2023 is just around the corner, and Rizing Starz International would like to THANK YOU for the never-ending support you’ve shown to our organization. With your help, we were able to feed and clothe approximately 230 orphans, and provide educational scholarships for 6 students in Ghana, West Africa. During these difficult economical times, you continue […]

Support a Child!
Nov 25

Support a Child!

    NAME OF CHILD` : SHERIFA ALHASSAN AGE : 10 YEARS CLASS : 3 SCHOOL : EGYAM COMMUNITY SCHOOL – WESTERN REGION (FUTURE STARS AFFILIATION) TERM : THIRD TERM   Sherrifa Alhassan comes from a family of 4 children.  Her family came to the Takoradi municipality to seek greener pastures after they lost their father […]

Sponsor a Child!
Nov 11

Sponsor a Child!

NAME OF CHILD : LOVINDA SENTIKWA AGE : 11 YEARS CLASS : 4 SCHOOL : EGYAM COMMUNITY SCHOOL- WESTERN REGION (FUTURE STARS AFFILIATION) TERM : THIRD TERM   Lovinda Sentikwa comes from the Savanna Region. It is located in the North Western part of Ghana and it is bordered by Ivory Coast. She lost her dad in the village and her mom had to come to the […]

Back to School
Sep 30

Back to School

    Schools have resumed in Ghana, after two years of uncertainty and hardship, due to the pandemic. Children have returned to school to experience a new normal in a changed country and a different world at large. New policies and procedures seems to be the norm of the day. The ministry of education is […]

Support a Child Today!
Jul 27

Support a Child Today!

    Donating to a charity of your choice is not a responsibility but it is a gift, that has the potential to yield great rewards. Therefore donations should be free of duress, obligation or guilt. Donors, should feel free to give when and how much they want to. Every donation is greatly appreciated as it […]

Foster Care
Jun 20

Foster Care

    Orphans are in need of love and support from anyone who has made a decision to do so. Foster parenting is a great way to give a vulnerable child the love, home and family that they deeply yearn for.  If you chose to adopt an orphan make sure you are ready to be […]

I’m An Orphan
May 29

I’m An Orphan

    I’m An Orphan Here I’m an orphan in this world And so have I much to remember Those who have no-one in this world, would have a lot of memories to remember You can never read the whole story of our life, Our life will be an illusion before your eyes So will […]

Celebrating Women’s History Month!
Mar 18

Celebrating Women’s History Month!

Celebrating Women’s History Month! Think like a Queen. A Queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another stepping stone to greatness.   – Oprah Winfrey Here at Rizingstarz we are the “Queen Makers.” Raising a generation of girls who are unstoppable, who will not allow their present circumstances to define them, and who will […]

Happy New Year!
Jan 03

Happy New Year!

Remembering the Orphans. Rizingstarz International recently shipped 3 barrels to Ghana West Africa filled with children’s clothing books, masks, and other medical supplies. Items were distributed to a local orphanage in the North, a hospital, and to neighboring children. Recipients were very grateful and excited to receive such gifts.  We just want to take some time […]

Thankfulness Is The Beginning of Gratitude!
Nov 30

Thankfulness Is The Beginning of Gratitude!

Thankfulness is the beginning of gratitude. Gratitude is the completion of thankfulness. Thankfulness may consist merely of words. Gratitude is shown in acts.” – Henri Frederic Amiel In this Thanksgiving season, we at Rizingstarz is especially grateful for you. It’s because of your unwavering support that we are able to continue in our mission in […]

It’s Back to School!
Oct 01

It’s Back to School!

It’s that time again! Children all over the world have returned to school. However, the Covid -19 pandemic continues to have a severe impact on how this may look for children depending on where they reside. Schools within the United States have all reopened.  Students are expected to wear masks and be vaccinated if they […]

Are masks necessary for children during the pandemic?
Aug 30

Are masks necessary for children during the pandemic?

The World Health Organization and the United Nations recommended that masks are used for children aged six years and older during the  Covid- 19 pandemic.  Research has proven that masking is an effective way to reduce the spread of COVID especially in settings where people(including children) cannot be vaccinated. As children return to school in […]

Interview with Light of Vulnerability!
Aug 04

Interview with Light of Vulnerability!

In our last email, we did an Orphanage interview, and this is the continuation! Additionally, feeding and providing shelter for the children as well as their education are also some challenges because of the high cost of food and commodities and the overburden of the supporters.    3. As the only orphanage here in the […]

Light for the Vulnerable Orphanage
Aug 02

Light for the Vulnerable Orphanage

Rizingstarz continues its mission in assisting vulnerable children. Rizingstarz provided food and other supplies to an orphanage in the Northern region of Ghana. This orphanage houses 15 children and approximately 152 children attend the orphanage school. They are in dire need of support. A Rizingstarz volunteer also interviewed the owner and founder. Below is an excerpt of the interview.   […]

A Great Somebody
May 26

A Great Somebody

A GREAT SOMEBODY by Adrienne Sealy Hardesty    I am a serious child!  I am a serious child with serious goals!  My life is destined to be filled with positivity!  I am a worker!  If it takes hard work, I will do it!               This has been a challenging year, […]

When I Grow Up
Apr 09

When I Grow Up

When I grow up I want to be a ____ When the average child is asked that question, he/she responds readily. Responses vary, based on their exposure and those who have impacted them the most. “ I want to be a dad, a mom, a teacher, a doctor, fireman, etc, are some of the responses. […]

Our Mission Despite the Pandemic!
Mar 08

Our Mission Despite the Pandemic!

“ I was naked and you clothed Me,  I was sick and you looked after Me, I was in prison and you visited Me.” Matthew 25:36 Rizing Starz remain true to our mission despite of the pandemic. Yes, it has been challenging but we persevere to change the world one child at a time; as we […]

Happy New Year, We Pray That This Year Will Be Safe and Prosperous!
Jan 18

Happy New Year, We Pray That This Year Will Be Safe and Prosperous!

Happy New Year, we pray that this year will be safe and prosperous. On January 18, schools in Ghana West Africa have finally reopened after 9 months of closure, due to the pandemic.  Students and caregivers are excited that schools have reopened but there are ongoing concerns for the safety of their children. The president […]

Thank You, Donors!
Dec 30

Thank You, Donors!

Thank you!! Happy Holidays!! As the year draws to a close, we would like to express our gratitude for your continued support, trust, and loyalty to Rizingstarz. The year 2020 has been one of the unprecedented challenges, yet you remain committed to our vision and mission of serving vulnerable children. You continue to give unselfishly […]

Educate a Child!
Nov 23

Educate a Child!

“Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.” – Nelson Mandela Support the work of Rising Starz International Donate: $20.00 / $200.00 / $200.00 Zelle: CashApp: $RizingStarz PayPal: Goal: $5000 For more information, please contact Carol McIntyre at 3474956929.

Back to School!
Oct 14

Back to School!

It’s that time again!! Children all over the world have returned to school. However, the Covid-19 pandemic continues to have a severe impact on how this may look for children depending on where they reside. Schools within the United States have all reopened. Families are given the choice to be educated in-person or remotely. Each […]

Thank You, Donors!
Aug 26

Thank You, Donors!

Despite the pandemic, Rizingstarz continues its mission in providing assistance to vulnerable children. Today, Rizing Starz shipped 3 barrels to a local orphanage in Ghana West Africa. Barrels are filled with school supplies, clothing shoes, and other basic necessities for living. We are truly grateful to all those who participated in this venture to strive […]

Racism In Children
Jun 10

Racism In Children

“The brain cannot be antiracist per se” because it never stops spotting differences and sorting them into categories.” David Amadio (Professor at New York University).   Based on this statement we can conclude that children are aware of differences in themselves and others; that’s just how the brain is wired. The color of one skin […]

It’s Giving Tuesday!
May 06

It’s Giving Tuesday!

Be a Blessing. It is always better to give than to receive. On Giving Tuesday, May 5, Rizing Starz donated a much-needed food supply to a local orphanage. The owners, staff, and children where very elated as they received our gifts. They were down to their very last, as they have so many mouths to […]

Apr 18


TIPS ON SUPPORTING CHILDREN DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC Children all over the world are impacted by COVID-19. With the sudden disruption in their daily routines, such as school closures, the loss of loved ones, and the lack of social and physical activities all can be stressful and anxiety-producing for children. The question then becomes- what […]

Month of Loving!
Feb 17

Month of Loving!

These are quotes from parent to a child. “If my love for you had color, it would be the whole rainbow.” “From the moment you were born, you became the sun to my planet.” “My love for you is like an invisible elastic band. No matter how far you go, we are connected.” Hello, our […]

Happy New Year!
Jan 21

Happy New Year!

  Happy New Year!  Rizing Starz is excited about this new year and decade 2020!! Last year was great, but we are working to make this year extraordinary. We will continue in our mission to nurture, nourish, and educate vulnerable children in West Africa Ghana. We will continue to award scholarships, conduct feeding programs and […]

It’s Giving Tuesday!
Dec 02

It’s Giving Tuesday!

Greetings our beloved Donors, November has ended and we are in our first week of December; the last month of this year. I hope you’re doing well and in good health. This year has been a rollercoaster ride. We have had tragic, and celebratory moments, but nonetheless we have made it through. Because of you, […]

Thank You for Helping Bahamas!
Nov 18

Thank You for Helping Bahamas!

Hello donors, How are you? We hope that you are having an exciting month. These past few months, have been very challenging for our Brothers and Sisters in Bahamas. They have experienced tremendous loss and continue to endure the aftermath of the hurricane. Thanks to you, you have helped to put a smile on their […]

Thank You, Donors! We Couldn’t Have Done it Without You!
Oct 07

Thank You, Donors! We Couldn’t Have Done it Without You!

We are entering another new month, and there’s only three months left before we hit 2020. I would like to thank all the donors that have supported not just the children in the organization, but the help and support you have given to our brothers and sisters in the Bahamas. We couldn’t thank you enough […]

Thank You!
Sep 04

Thank You!

Rizing Starz  International would like to thank WFJM- Witness for Jesus from the Cornerstone Seventh Day Adventist Church for your support.   These young ambassadors with the guidance of Mrs. Stacy Henry organized a children’s clothing drive in support of the vulnerable children of Rizing Starz.  Your donation will be distributed to children in Ghana […]

Child Bride in Ghana
Aug 10

Child Bride in Ghana

July passed by really quickly and we’re already in the month of August. We have a very pressing issue we want to bring to your attention. There has been an alarming increase in children getting into marriages against their will at a very young age. This is of great concern to us, here at Rising Starz.    According […]

Here’s Our Scholarship Report For the Year 2019
Jul 03

Here’s Our Scholarship Report For the Year 2019

“No country  can really develop unless its citizens are educated.” – Nelson Mandela   The children of Ghana continue to strive educationally. They have demonstrated that they understand that education is a weapon for change. As the school year comes to a close,  we are pleased to report that the recipients of the Rizing Starz Scholarships have excelled […]

Are You Aware Of Trafficking?
Mar 22

Are You Aware Of Trafficking?

This month is known as “Women History” month. We at Rizing Starz, would like to honor all females by increasing awareness to a growing global epidemic; Women in Trauma. This email might be a bit late, but necessary. And this also serves to empower women, especially the girls at the orphanage that might have experience […]

Ever Thought of Donating?
Mar 05

Ever Thought of Donating?

It’s almost the end of the Month, and we are about to enter another one. I would like to talk to you about donating. I know most of you know that, when we say donating, it means giving money. While that maybe true, there are also a lot of other ways to donate without it […]

Monthly Feeding Program 2019!
Jan 31

Monthly Feeding Program 2019!

Hello, donors. It’s another year, and I want to let you know that because of your help, we were able to host our Monthly Feeding Program once again. We were able to feed the children at the Savior’s Foundation Orphanage and put a smile on their faces. Your small donation was able to distribute a […]

Distributed Educational Needs
Oct 01

Distributed Educational Needs

Education is one of our core values here at Rizing Starz. We believe that we can change a child’s live through education.  The great Nelson Mandela said “Education is the greatest engine of personal development. It is through education that the daughter of a peasant  can become a doctor, the son of a mine worker […]

Dream Job
Sep 17

Dream Job

You might be wondering what this email is about from what the title said. Yes, it’s all about your dream job. I might not know what your dream job is personally, but I know that Each of us, has our own dream job, be it being a CEO to your own company, a Social Media […]

Let’s Shine Together!
Aug 20

Let’s Shine Together!

Dear [%first_name | Valued Customer%] ,  It is with great excitement and pleasure that I am writing this letter to introduce you to a project I’ve been tirelessly working on for the past year, Rizing Starz International. Rizing Starz is a non-profit organization whose mission is to assist orphans around the world. We are committed to education and […]

Be Awesome!
Aug 06

Be Awesome!

The title might have made you click this email, but it is important to read it to the end. I know we’re all awesome in our own and unique ways. This maybe evident in our line of work, being a parent, and how we help people. Helping people is more than just being awesome, it’s […]

Helping While Getting In Shape
Jul 27

Helping While Getting In Shape

            Exercising daily is always good for our health, be it a fifteen minute cardio, or thirty minute yoga. As an adult, we’re always busy with our daily lives, especially with our work and or families . But have you ever thought about getting in shape while saving lives? Last […]

How Helpful Are Vaccinations?
Jul 20

How Helpful Are Vaccinations?

Health has always been important to people, especially when it is the source of our energy and how we live our lives .  Eating nutritious food, taking supplements, sleeping , exercising and receiving appropriate medical care (i.e vaccinations) are some of the ways we maintain good health. Vaccinations are also one of the important things […]

Donating Is Not A Responsibility
Jul 02

Donating Is Not A Responsibility

Donating to a charity of your choice is not a responsibility but it is a gift, that has the potential to yield great rewards. Therefore donations should be free of duress, obligation or guilt. Donors, should feel free to give when and how much they want to. Every donation is greatly appreciated as it is used […]

Foster Care
Jun 15

Foster Care

Orphans are in need of love and support from anyone who has made a decision to do so. Foster parenting is a great way to give a vulnerable child the love, home and family that they deeply yearn for. If you chose to adopt an orphan make sure you are ready to be a parent in […]

Here Are The Projects Through Your Donations
Jun 01

Here Are The Projects Through Your Donations

A healthy immune system is important for the growth and development of every child. The nutrients a child consumes, vaccinations and the drinking of clean water are some of the factors that aids in overall health of a child.   Through your donations, Rizing Starz will be able to deliver free vaccinations to the children […]

Every Child Matters
May 11

Every Child Matters

As an adult, you might already have your own family, your own kids that you love the most. You give a lot of your time to them and all the necessary things that they may need. That’s what parents usually do, they give their children the love and attention they should be getting. It is, […]

What Did You Want to Be When You Grew Up?
Apr 28

What Did You Want to Be When You Grew Up?

As a child, you may have dreamt of so many things. You might have imagined growing up to be a doctor, a firefighter, an athlete, or even an astronaut. These are things that children with a normal life usually dream of. But not all children have the luxury of dreaming about their future careers. Some […]

Here’s How You Can Make a Difference
Apr 20

Here’s How You Can Make a Difference

Everyday, there are children without any shelter to sleep in and no sufficient food to eat because of poverty or abandonment. How Do Children End up Being Abandoned? Income disparities have worsened in many parts of the world. Some families do not have enough income to support their children. Even if they ask relatives to […]

The Most Terrible Poverty
Apr 11

The Most Terrible Poverty

In this week’s blog, we’re going to talk about the most terrible poverty. We know that anyone living in a household with an income below their relative poverty threshold is considered to be in poverty. Or those people living in the streets, asking for pennies so they could buy food for them to survive for […]

How Helping Mother Nature Can Help Orphaned Children
Apr 04

How Helping Mother Nature Can Help Orphaned Children

Let’s celebrate Earth Day! This month, Rizing Starz encourages you to donate your recyclable plastic bottles and containers to recycling centers. Let’s spread love for Mother Nature, as we continue to spread love for each other! It is our responsibility to make our world a cleaner place to live. As stewards of God’s creation, we […]

Get Involved!
Mar 29

Get Involved!

There are many children alone in this world for various reasons with no one but themselves to call family. No one asks to be an orphan, and as many of us can imagine, it is not an easy feat to take on. As they journey through their lives, it is the help from kind-hearted and […]

Shelter The Orphans
Mar 23

Shelter The Orphans

When we mention the word orphan, we think about kids being abandoned by their parents and living in the orphanage together with the other children and volunteers to help them. Most of them are correct, but did we ever think about other orphans that don’t have a shelter to sleep in? Today’s email means two […]

Volunteering Is Rewarding
Mar 14

Volunteering Is Rewarding

Have you ever tried volunteering before? To volunteer for something signifies a selfless act, a willingness to accept a certain duty without any compensation. It is defined as offering oneself to do something. You can volunteer anywhere, any time and for any cause. But one of the best things to volunteer for is caring for […]

Win Your Child’s Heart
Mar 05

Win Your Child’s Heart

It is easy to say I LOVE YOU and I CARE FOR YOU, but this is not enough. Children need more than just words to feel loved and treasured, especially for those who have been abandoned or have lost their parents. Though it is necessary that we verbally let them know how much we love […]

Do You Stay or Look Away?
Feb 21

Do You Stay or Look Away?

What do you do when you see children who are in need? Most people see them, but they don’t really take any action. Some even don’t really care about these vulnerable kids because they’re not blood-related, or because they think it’s not their business to help them. It sounds sad, but it’s a fact. Only […]

Dreams for the Children
Feb 13

Dreams for the Children

Naturally, kids often dream about what they want to be when they grow up and more importantly, what they want to achieve in life. Some want to become teachers to educate; others would want to become doctors to be able to aid those who are in need of medical help. We, ourselves, have dreams that […]

Spread Awareness
Feb 04

Spread Awareness

Being aware of orphans takes more than just knowing they have lost their parents and live in an orphanage. ‘Being aware’ should allow us to open our hearts, pause whatever we are doing in our lives, and listen to their story just to show them some attention. These children have been lost and abandoned by […]

Stop Turning a Blind Eye
Feb 02

Stop Turning a Blind Eye

As adults, we go to work everyday, sit in our chairs, have a cup of coffee, and check the papers that need to get done. We never really think about the outside world apart from what’s in front of us at any moment in time. Sometimes, we walk pass these children who have been abandoned […]

Listen to Their Story
Jan 16

Listen to Their Story

Not many people are willing to listen to these children’s stories and these orphans have no one else to talk to about their problems, which is also a serious issue. As humans, when our emotions are overwhelming, we would always need someone to talk to in order to get it out of our chest. And […]

Rizing Starz Soup Kitchen 2018
Jan 08

Rizing Starz Soup Kitchen 2018

Warm meals, three times a day, are not common to vulnerable children. Most of them lack the resources to have a decent meal. Some ask or beg for money for them to be able to buy at least a small amount of food, or even a pack of biscuits to share with their siblings just […]

A Huge Thank You from the Rizing Starz!
Dec 29

A Huge Thank You from the Rizing Starz!

2018 is just around the corner, and Rizing Starz International would like to THANK YOU for the never-ending support you’ve shown to these children. With your help, we were able to feed and clothe approximately 230 orphans, deworm 60 children, provide an educational scholarship for one student, distribute medical supplies to a local hospital and […]

Orphans: Hear out Their Story
Dec 29

Orphans: Hear out Their Story

In countries like Ghana, we can see orphans on the streets, selling or asking people for money so they could survive the day. The sad thing is, most people would just walk by them. It’s easy to ignore them when we don’t know their names, their faces, and their stories. But, what will happen if […]

The Most Terrible Poverty Is Loneliness and the Feeling of Being Unloved
Dec 07

The Most Terrible Poverty Is Loneliness and the Feeling of Being Unloved

Mother Teresa once said, “The most terrible poverty is loneliness and the feeling of being unloved.” It’s what most orphans are feeling. We know and witness a lot of people going through poverty; but have you thought about, or even imagined, how orphans feel? They don’t have anything. They don’t have any money, food or […]

Thank You, Donors!
Nov 27

Thank You, Donors!

As we are approaching the end of 2017, the Rizing Starz continues its mission to help the orphans in West Africa, especially in Ghana. Through your never-ending support, we were able to hold various programs for the children, such as the Soup Kitchen and Monthly Feeding Program. The children in the orphanage were also able […]

Soup Kitchen for the Orphans
Nov 20

Soup Kitchen for the Orphans

Food sustains life, but it can quickly be taken for granted. We often forget how blessed we are to have hot meals daily while homeless children struggle to survive. They lack the resources to buy, harvest, or obtain the most basic food that could satisfy their hunger. But through your kind generosity, last October, the […]

Make “Orphan” a Fleeting Condition
Nov 15

Make “Orphan” a Fleeting Condition

There might be a few questions running through your head as you read the title. Yes, we can make being an orphan a fleeting condition. But how is that possible? An orphan is defined as one whose parent/s have passed away. It also refers to children who were abandoned by their biological parents and their […]

Be The CHANGE You HOPE to See In The WORLD
Nov 01

Be The CHANGE You HOPE to See In The WORLD

In this world, there’s a lot of things that are happening — crimes, drug addictions, killings and even abandoning little children. And we can’t help but feel powerless about what is happening around us and around the world. We feel that all we can do is to hope and wish that awful things would stop […]

The Orphans
Oct 18

The Orphans

In countries riddled with poverty, we often see a lot of kids on the streets, asking for pennies so they could buy something to eat to be able to survive. Some do it as a way to help their parents, or as a way for orphans to help support themselves and raise their little siblings […]

Another Way to Help
Oct 11

Another Way to Help

 Volunteering is a wonderful act wherein people give a part of themselves and make a valuable contribution to the community. Some people do volunteer work to care for the less fortunate in charities, such as participating in feeding programs or teaching children basic education. By volunteering, people who volunteer can also learn new skills and improve […]

Play, Learn and Grow
Oct 02

Play, Learn and Grow

Kids love playing outside under the sun with their friends. Most of us adults tend to tell them not to play too much to avoid getting themselves hurt or become used to acting too childish. Playing is childish, yes. However, they are children and playing is part of being a kid.  It’s also a way […]

Rizing Starz Gala
Sep 22

Rizing Starz Gala

Rizing Starz International would like to thank all those who supported the Rizing Starz Gala and allowed the organization to continue its mission of providing the needs of orphans in Ghana. The spectacular fundraising event benefited Rizing Starz’ cause and enhanced the general community’s awareness of the organization. There are about 1.1 million orphanages living […]

Feeding Program
Sep 08

Feeding Program

It is our desire to give hope to children in Ghana by giving them the nourishment they need to make it through another day. We all know how important food is, as it gives the nutrients and energy a person needs for the day. As caring adults, we need to feed children who are starving […]

Dreams for the Children
Aug 23

Dreams for the Children

We all know that kids often dream about what they want to be when they grow up and what they want to achieve in life. Some would want to become teachers to educate; others would want to become doctors to be able to aid those who are in need of medical help. We, ourselves, have […]

Random Acts of Kindness
Aug 09

Random Acts of Kindness

As kids, we were taught by our parents that donating things to the less fortunate is always important, simply because we need to show kindness to others. Old clothes, old toys and even a few canned goods already symbolize a huge act of kindness for the needy. It doesn’t have to be something fancy, as […]

Give Children with Disabilities a Chance to Shine!
Jul 28

Give Children with Disabilities a Chance to Shine!

Being an orphan is already hard, how much more if the child is disabled? According to Robyn Beere of Inclusive Education South Africa, there are 600,000 children with disabilities in South Africa who remain out of school that are being left behind. As we all know, all children need love, encouragement and support. This is […]

Deworming Program
Jul 05

Deworming Program

Worms are everywhere and they are found in many public areas including schools and playgrounds. Unfortunately, worms infections are very common in developing countries and are a normal issue for children who live in extreme poverty. Worm infection is one of the major causes of children’s deaths, especially in developing countries with poor sanitation. According […]

Effects of Programs Supporting Orphans and Vulnerable Children
Jun 16

Effects of Programs Supporting Orphans and Vulnerable Children

Many orphans and vulnerable children all over the world, due to lack of care and support, have been deprived of living a normal life like other children in their community.   Thankfully, there are programs that support orphans and vulnerable children that can help stop this from happening. These programs aim to provide these children’s […]

Orphanage Visit in Gomoa Mpota
May 29

Orphanage Visit in Gomoa Mpota

On the 8th of  April 2017, Rizing Starz International, an NGO that supports orphaned children around the world, organized a visit to the “Together We Can Make It Orphanage”. This orphanage is located in Gomoa Mpota in the Gomoa East District in the central region of Ghana.   Four volunteers, namely, Pastor Gyamfi, Indubious, Clement […]

Mother: The sweetest gift from God
May 15

Mother: The sweetest gift from God

We want to acknowledge and honor all the mothers on behalf of Rizing Starz International.     A mother is one person who, with no intention of getting anything in return, sacrifices all her needs and wants just to get her children’s needs fulfilled. She is someone who goes through so much struggle in order […]

Replace Criticism Words with Praise
Apr 27

Replace Criticism Words with Praise

“The way to develop the best that is in a person is by appreciation and encouragement. There is nothing else that so kills the ambitions of a person as criticism from superiors.” -Charles M.Schwab “There is nothing else that so kills the ambitions of a person as criticism from superiors.” This powerful lesson in leadership […]

A Blessing that an Orphan Receive from You
Apr 12

A Blessing that an Orphan Receive from You

Are you happy in helping other people? Are you the kind of person with a kind heart? A gift is really an amazing blessing that an orphan can receive from you. A monetary gift means that you bless your sponsored child in meeting his/her basic needs. A staff member of the orphanages will assess the […]

Unseen Heroes of Orphans
Mar 27

Unseen Heroes of Orphans

Orphans are surrounded by silent heroes in their daily lives. Generally, childcare tasks include feeding, changing nappies, bathing and cuddling, sterilizing bottles and teats, emptying nappy bins, mopping floors, washing, folding and packing away continuous loads of laundry and dispensing medications. The long list does not stop there. It can also include night shifts, as […]

Disadvantages of Children Living in Orphanages
Feb 25

Disadvantages of Children Living in Orphanages

The U.N. estimates that up to 8 million children around the world are living in orphanages. It is likely to rise due to the increasing impact of conflict, climate change, and the HIV and AIDS pandemic, especially those living in Africa. The standard of care in Africa is poor. Many children are abused and neglected. Children […]

Love One Another
Feb 13

Love One Another

Love is an indefinite thing to most of us; we don’t know what we mean when we talk about love. Love is the highest preference of one person for another. It is easy to say you love someone but another important aspect of it is to show your love through action.  When we practice acts of […]

Adoption Rate in Africa
Jan 27

Adoption Rate in Africa

There are more than 35,000 children sent from Africa in a surge of adoptions in the last eight years. From 2003 to 2010, more than half of the children adopted came from Ethiopia (22,282), followed by South Africa (1,871), Liberia (1,355), Madagascar (1,331), and Nigeria (1,118), this is according to adoption expert Peter Selman from Newcastle […]

Impact of Education in Africa
Jan 16

Impact of Education in Africa

Education plays a fundamental role in the process of building the personality of children and expanding their cognitive skills. A good pre-primary education has lasting effects in an individual’s life and it also affects the development of a child all the way into adulthood. It affects both the child’s social behavior and intellectual development. A high […]

The Significance of Child Sponsorship
Jan 09

The Significance of Child Sponsorship

What is Child Sponsorship? It is a type of giving in which you can affect the life of a child in a private way. By putting resources into their future, they will be equipped with the tools to satisfy their most prominent potential. While the length of sponsorship differs on the circumstance of the support […]

Children’s Rights in Ghana
Jan 02

Children’s Rights in Ghana

Articles 8 and 9 of of Ghanaian Children Act of 1998, state that children cannot be deprived of their right to education, immunization, adequate diet, clothing, shelter, medical attention, and any other thing that might be necessary for their development, and they are entitled to participate in sportive, cultural and artistic initiatives, as well as […]

Experience Volunteering Now!
Dec 27

Experience Volunteering Now!

The word orphanage has a negative connotation in the volunteer and tourism industries. It has been driven by some unfavorable experiences, while orphaned children have become tourist attractions and thus exploited in some way. However, we should realize that black market orphanages are entirely the wrong way to go when it comes to volunteering. Volunteer programs involving children […]