Apr 12

A Blessing that an Orphan Receive from You

Are you happy in helping other people? Are you the kind of person with a kind heart? A gift is really an amazing blessing that an orphan can receive from you.

A monetary gift means that you bless your sponsored child in meeting his/her basic needs. A staff member of the orphanages will assess the child’s needs and then purchase the most important items for them. You have a few different options for sending a monetary gift. You can send $10 to $100 or more as a donation or general gift. A gift can be sent for any reason and can used by the child.

For most countries, we transfer the funds to the orphanages. Once the orphanage receives the money, a staff member transfers the funds to the child. Some orphanages receive the money by check and some receive it directly transferred into a bank account.

The staff of the orphanage will set up a meeting with your sponsored child and inform the child of your gifts. The sponsored child will sign a letter that the gift you sent was received and acknowledged by the child. Your sponsored child will write you a letter letting you know what was purchased and possibly include a picture, depending on the amount of the gift. You also have the option of donating any amount to our new campaign, Let’s Shine Campaign on your sponsored child’s behalf.

You are welcome to suggest what you would like to be purchased for your sponsored child. The child makes the final decision regarding what is purchased. If your sponsored child is too young to make the decision on his or her own, the staff of the orphanage will help with the decision.

Click here and donate!

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