Oct 14

Back to School!

It’s that time again!! Children all over the world have returned to school. However, the Covid-19 pandemic continues to have a severe impact on how this may look for children depending on where they reside. Schools within the United States have all reopened. Families are given the choice to be educated in-person or remotely. Each student receives a tablet and access to WIFI which allows them to be taught remotely by a qualified teacher. Appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) are distributed to children and staff to ensure their safety while in school. 

In Ghana, West Africa, schools are gradually reopening, however, there are growing concerns that the lack of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) could cause an uptick in the number of positive Covid-19 cases. Students are eager to return to school but also terrified, as the health sector does not have the resources to deal with any new outbreak of the coronavirus in children. The choice of homeschooling is available but there is a lack of resources and qualified teachers to implement such a program.

Although remote learning and or homeschooling have been challenging, many parents have made the choice to keep their children safe and healthy in the comforts of their own homes. “I could not live with the guilt of sending my child to school and she gets the virus and dies, I just could not handle that.” This is the echoed sentiment of many parents regardless of the country they reside in. Every parent wants safety for their children. The pandemic has caused an education disruption in the lives of children all over the globe, but we have to choose to safeguard their health and welfare.

Rizing Starz will continue its mission to nurture, educate, and empower even during this pandemic.

