Oct 11

Another Way to Help

 Volunteering is a wonderful act wherein people give a part of themselves and make a valuable contribution to the community. Some people do volunteer work to care for the less fortunate in charities, such as participating in feeding programs or teaching children basic education. By volunteering, people who volunteer can also learn new skills and improve their emotional well-being by doing something positive for others.

If you, however, can’t volunteer because you have things to do and other responsibilities like work, school, taking care of a family member, etc., you can still help orphans simply by just giving or donating to them.
Most of us chose to have a blind eye when it comes to people who are in need. These people are not different from any of us and we have the power to give them a better life. Any donation, whether monetary or in kind, will already make a big difference in their lives. In donating, don’t commit to an amount that you cannot sustain, just commit to the amount that you can afford. It doesn’t have to be big or grand; remember, every little bit counts.
Through our help, we can make an orphaned child feel the love he or she deserves. Not only are you doing something good for children, but you’re also doing something good for yourself. As the saying goes, happiness springs from doing good and helping others.
When combined, your help with Rizing Starz International we will not only reach one, but thousands of children who need our support. We have the power to make difference! Let’s do it together today!

Click HERE to donate!


