May 26

A Great Somebody

A GREAT SOMEBODY by Adrienne Sealy Hardesty
 I am a serious child!
 I am a serious child with serious goals!
 My life is destined to be filled with positivity!
 I am a worker!
 If it takes hard work, I will do it!           
This has been a challenging year, especially for students. Students are faced with daily ambiguity of how they will be educated. The educational system that they once knew no longer exists.
Despite the instability and challenges, students are expected to learn and grow academically. Our scholars of Rizing Stars have proven that they can thrive in the midst of upsets and turmoil. They have succeeded in spite of the uncertainties and challenges that they face daily. 
As the school year comes to an end, we are so pleased with the overall progress of our students. Below you will find samples of their report cards.
I don’t spend time wasting time, because I know there’s room at the top for me.
I am the greatest somebody there is.
Start leading me now!
Start guiding me now!
And you will see me rise to the highest heights!

