Mar 08

Our Mission Despite the Pandemic!

“ I was naked and you clothed Me,

 I was sick and you looked after Me,

I was in prison and you visited Me.”

Matthew 25:36

Rizing Starz remain true to our mission despite of the pandemic. Yes, it has been challenging but we persevere to change the world one child at a time; as we continue to educate, nurture and empower vulnerable children.

During the month of February, volunteers from Rizing Starz granted support to three local orphanages in West Africa Ghana. These orphanages were provided with food, books, and educational scholarships. 

We are sponsoring twelve children with full educational scholarships and gave food donations that fed over 100 children. Caregivers and children were very excited and appreciative of all the alms and support that they have received. 

Recipients were so grateful that they have an opportunity to attend school for another year. They danced, sang, smiled, hugged and thanked the volunteers repeatedly for Rizing Starz’s generosity.

We are living in a new world ,but the needs of these children remain constant. We want to continue helping those who are less fortunate than us but we are in need of your help. Please consider partnering with us. DONATE TODAY. 

Click here to donate now!

