Mar 22

Are You Aware Of Trafficking?

This month is known as “Women History” month. We at Rizing Starz, would like to honor all females by increasing awareness to a growing global epidemic; Women in Trauma.

This email might be a bit late, but necessary. And this also serves to empower women, especially the girls at the orphanage that might have experience some type abuse. Women of all ages especially in history have experienced sexual assaults, and even to this day, some are experiencing it.

For us to be able to prevent and stop these  acts,we have to become knowledgeable of the facts on this issue. We should not turn a blind eye about something like this.

According to the Anti Human Trafficking Unit (AHTU), 61 percent of all trafficking cases reported in Ghana were labor-related, while 39 percent were sexual exploitation cases. In June 2009, the government convicted three Chinese nationals of trafficking eight Chinese women to Ghana for exploitation in prostitution.

Women and girls from China, Nigeria, Côte d’Ivoire, and Burkina Faso are subjected to forced prostitution after arriving in Ghana. Not only victims suffer from sexual abuse, but they also endure extremes of harsh treatment, including long hours, debt bondage, lack of pay, and physical risks. About 8 out of 10 women were victimized by sexual abuse.

With support from an international organization and with input from stakeholders, the government drafted a National Plan of Action for the Elimination of Human Trafficking in Ghana, 2017-2021, which remained pending for final approval. So up until now, as you read this email, someone might be experiencing abuse, and no one deserves to be treated like that.

It is hard for someone to talk about this experience as it is very traumatic, but we should understand that none of these victims are at fault. These women and girls are in need of our support and encouragement. These victims remain powerless, as they are in a male dominated society which often cause them to be fearful to report such violent acts.

We, however are are not powerless. We can support organizations like Rizing Starz which continue to assist children of abuse. 

For more information, you may email us at

Let’s lift up not only ourselves but especially women and girls who have been victims of sexual assault and trafficking.

