Aug 20

Let’s Shine Together!

Dear [%first_name | Valued Customer%] , 

It is with great excitement and pleasure that I am writing this letter to introduce you to a project I’ve been tirelessly working on for the past year, Rizing Starz International. Rizing Starz is a non-profit organization whose mission is to assist orphans around the world. We are committed to education and basic sustainable needs for vulnerable children and are currently working in Ghana, West Africa.

This idea was created from my own personal experience in Ghana after visiting a few years ago. As I traveled throughout the country, I found myself face-to-face with street children as young as 6 years old selling sachet water on the dangerous highways in the capital city of Accra to make a living. Touched by their plight, I together with Rebecca, a friend I met in Ghana decided to help in our own small way. Thus one year later, Rizing Starz International was birthed. 

As the days go on, the vision gets larger and our desire to do more increases. We are so inspired by the orphans who are so eager to learn and to live like normal children. However, we know our ability to do this is greatly based on our partnerships to donors like you, Partner.

In October we started small by piloting a monthly food distribution/supplementary project by choosing one vulnerable and abandoned child to serve. It has been a great success and now Rizing Starz has launched the Let’s Shine Campaign which focuses on raising enough monetary donations and supplies to purchase and furnish a multi-dwelling house for orphans.

Rizing Starz orphans will continue to give hope to the hopeless and shape the lives of innocent orphans. A gift will have a significant impact on their lives to maintain their necessities.

Thank you for partnering with our children this week. Let’s Shine Together!

